- Periscope & meerkat video stream
create videos x YouTube channel
content curation – search content and use to other audience relevant
app “workflow” automation
create great content might others interested.
crear podcast – monetiZar con sponsors
approach a partnership con otra compania Pero primero explora si tus clientes Les Gusta, enviando articulos de esa company.
abrir Un estudio donde cualquier persona pueda ir a grabar o aprender gratis..
Pinterest nva red social – perfecto p q es visual search engine
newsletter new way of spam better God content in exchange of email address
2hrs a day in social media mex
geo peeker / URL regional validation
share “same” content over 4 or 5 times x day, because people get social at different times of day
sunrise calendar
sell with training
wp plugin easy media gallery
16 sec vine video
despues de 1er dia de nvo sitio
Enviar individual email a todos con
Que Piensas del sitio ?
Se lo enviaras a alguien q estuviera interesado?
- 1st time client : poner en una Mesa con servilletas diferentes
social media snapchat (small video )
target grandparents
hacer webinar + sell prod at end
open school
money = 21 ebooks + printables + advertising + Amazon + Afiliate- promote other people things + promotions + banners space + Google Adwords + Add sense + advertisers + sell products
poner poll 1 Mo y reveal at instant
Poll plug In
- 2emailsxinteract(askxinfofromwknd)
newsletter = prep x weekend
money = ebook
mission= always give things = social
2015 brand new things
3 blogs post each week
daily newsletter
money = conferences |
podcast + blog = weapon
wp media flow plug in
-picture of the month
-Meetup at Starbucks